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Diversity and Inclusion in our global world - Art & Management

juillet 23, 2018

In terms of Diversity & Inclusion topics, we notice that the level of awareness of the population, from the CEO of big organizations, to any individual working in those organizations is low. The necessity for better awareness on our brain facts is essential, and I do believe that training and teaching about how our brain is behaving is a key element for our global social evolution.

As a coach, I do a lot of awareness about Neurosciences and the brain facts to make the individuals understand how they naturally behave and react, and the first reaction is a relief: understanding ourselves make us less guilty about our natural bias, and provide essential keys to our own understanding and our behaviour in teams.

Diversity and inclusion are great parameters to consider in our global world and organizations. Much training is carried out to make the people understand the differences in body language, team cohesions, problem-solving processes, but not on our brain functions and reactions. As any brain of any person on earth is functioning in the same way, this information would be of great knowledge to any of us.

Simply making the people more aware about the fact that our brain is searching for safety first can make fears and natural reactions better understood!

As people are searching for predictability and minimal change, knowing that non-conscious is our driver, any individual could easily understand that change and differences are badly perceived and lived by any of us.

We are more focussing on organizations, but this is experienced in society in general.

As today is the final result of the French elections, this subject made me react over the results. People were threatened to see the right-extreme party win this election, as this party is against diversity and inclusion. The other party won, which proves the motivation of the French population to open their mind to differences!

Let’s wait and see how this will evolve in the next few months…


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